quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2020

sábado, 15 de fevereiro de 2020

Publishing | Opinião Profissional das Práticas de Marketing Jurídico

Este mês, uma nova pesquisa de campo em marketing jurídico conduzida pela S|A, foi publicada na revista acadêmica americana "Journal of Business and Economics", da Academic Star.
Nos Estados Unidos o Marketing Jurídico já acompanha há muito as ferramentas que o marketing disponibiliza para os negócios.
No Brasil, por conta da regulação da OAB e da tradição mais conservadora do segmento, o avanço foi um pouco mais lento, mas em épocas de internet e presença digital, a aparição do nome dos escritórios jurídicos em redes sociais compartilhando conhecimento e notícias, têm sido reconhecidamente uma ferramenta para se manter no radar de grandes clientes e firmar o posicionamento como autoridade. No destaque, o abstract da publicação, qua abordou a parte conceitual da prática de marketing jurídico e dados a partir de pesquisa de mercado e pesquisa com profissionais da área.

Abstract: Brazil is one of the countries that, in proportion to its population, has one of the largest numbers of lawyers, losing only to the United States and India. In this scenario of demand for the profession, and given a large number of corporate law firms in Brazil, and especially in the south-east of the country, this research aims to explore the practice of marketing in lawyer’s office based on concepts of service marketing. To reach the objective of the study, the first part of the research aims to clarify the functioning and some particularity of law firms, as well as the disclosure and marketing restrictions that the sector has. The research presented is made up of two studies: a market study conducted in 2015 on legal marketing of corporate-oriented offices, and the other by a survey conducted with professionals from the same market research field, law firms focused on corporate service, updating part of the issues raised and confronting possible changes in the perception of this public. The main analyzes point to the importance of all tools or a set of tools working together, but in the research done with professionals in 2018 reveals a perception that staying present in the events is a more effective way to do marketing in this sector, reinforcing the concept of relationship in service marketing.

Keywords: legal marketing; digital legal marketing; professional services marketing
JEL code: M31

Authors: Siméia de Azevedo Santos, Alexandre Luzzi Las Casas 
(Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil)